2010년 12월 27일 월요일


Raccoon dogs are very difficult to find because they are nocturnal animals.
So, we did a survey among 40 fellow students at KAIST to see where they are seen most frequently.
19 students replied to our survey and said that they were seen in these respective areas.
1. Undergraduate soccer field,
 2. Educational support building,
3. The tennis court,
4. Endless road, and lastly,
5. Near the campus police office. 

This shows the locations of raccoon dogs observations.
Yellow arrows indicate the locations where our team observed the raccoon dogs.
The violet arrows are showing the locations of other students observations.
And cross sign is for the raod-killed raccoon dog.

And we find calculate the kaist raccoon dog's range of activity (red line).
But it is bigger than usual raccoon dog's range of activity.
It is possible that there are two groups of raccoon dogs in KAIST.

This video clip is for the raccoon dog we observed.

And these pictures are for the raccoon dogs we observed.

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