2010년 12월 27일 월요일


In our neighboring country, Japan is sick from fever. Raccoon dog fever! Raccoon dogs are called Tanuki and they are known as very mysterious and humorous creatures in tales. Raccoon dogs are loved in animations and are also grown at homes as cute pets. They can even be toilet trained. We shouldn’tt be so scared about raccoon dogs when we meet them in campus. We noticed that a lot of students in KAIST are afraid of raccoons but like dogs, they are very friendly(?) neighbors in campus.

However, raccoon dogs are not always so lucky.
Raccoon dogs are often captured and skinned alive for the fur.

People strip off their fur while the raccoon dogs are still alive in order to reduce the damage to their fur. The raccoon dogs are reported to stay alive for even ten minutes after being skinned, with their heart still beating.

Is it really necessary to have such luxury items at the price of such cruelty? We should have more sympathy and be nice to our friendly neighbors, the raccoon dog.

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